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Baptisms and Birth Records in the UK

Viewing Baptism Records

Free SubscriptionTo view baptism records, you can use This vast research site includes Parish Records for a huge number of areas, as well as non-conformist registers.

Baptism records can also be viewed on Parish Register CDs that are available from S&N Genealogy Supplies, the largest UK genealogy publisher and retailer, who have over a decade of experience in serving the needs of family historians.

The newest available Parish Registers are listed below. Click on one for more information:

Catholic Records: Recusant Rolls 1592-93
Yorkshire, The Records of the Parish of Whitkirk
Suffolk, Rushbrook Parish Records 1567 to 1850
Catholic Records: Obituaries 1722-1839
Catholic Records: Miscellanea Volume 4
Oxfordshire, Glympton: the History of an Oxfordshire Manor
Catholic Records: Miscellanea Volume 3
Kent, The Registers of the Cathedral Church of Rochester 1657-1837
NBI - National Burial Index Third Edition + Census and BMDs
Catholic Records: Miscellanea Volume 2

Is there a CD-ROM you are interested in? If so, click on it to find out more. Or you can view more Parish Registers on CD-ROM by clicking here.

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